Custom Pull-Tabs
Pull to Win provides distributors that serve bingo halls, bars, and fraternal organizations with a reliable supply of fun, innovative, customizable, and profitable pull-tabs* for charitable gaming.
* Also known as: pull-tab tickets, pop-opens, break-opens, instant bingo, bingo tickets, tear-offs, raffle tickets, raffle tabs, peel and win cards, peel-offs, club tickets, Nevada tickets (Nevadas), Lucky 7s, bowl games, cherry bells (cherries), jar tickets, and pickle cards (pickles)
Get Started Today
Speak with an Expert
Let us know your desired volume, pricing and game play.
Get a Quote
Our pull-tab experts will provide pull-tab options and pricing.
Review Your Design
Our graphic designers will review design proofs of your pull-tabs.
Receive Your Order
Sign off on the quote, and get your pull-tabs in weeks.
Who We Serve
Tired of working with manufacturers that are slow, inflexible or even competing with you?
Pull-tab and vending machine distributors rely on Pull to Win to supply fun, innovative, customizable, and profitable instant win, seal card, and event ticket pull-tabs for charitable gaming.
Tribal Casinos
Create a new revenue stream or increase your existing ones with a partner that has produced over 100 million pull-tabs since 2016
Let us help you develop your own, unique pull-tabs that can be used in your bingo halls to increase excitement and engagement, or placed in vending machines throughout your casino, offering multiple ways to win and even serving as a progressive for other games.